Thirteen Days To Bush Crimes Commission Verdict!
Thirteen Days To Verdict Day!
Your contribution can--and will--change the very terms of debate about the whole program of the Bush Administration. On September 13, the final verdict of the Bush Crimes Commission [] will be released. This carefully documented verdict will make clear to all that the acts of this administration constitute nothing short of war crimes and crimes against humanity.
To bring this damning verdict to millions across the country we need $30,000 right away. This includes printing the verdict, delegations delivering the verdict to the White House and Department of Justice of September 13, the distribution of DVDs with highlights of the testimony, and the reading of the verdict on local radio.
The verdict release will be followed by a national Bush Crimes Day on September 19 on campuses around the country, with programs featuring analysis by prominent voices of conscience going into the actual content of these crimes against humanity.
Here is what your contribution will support:
$100 will buy 6 orange "Guantanamo" jumps suits with black hoods.
$200 will pay the website and internet bill for a month.
$500 will support a volunteer for a month.
$1000 will underwrite our participation in Camp Democracy in Washington.
$2,500 will pay for the printing of the verdict for national distribution.
$5,000 will rent a rent a prominent venue for a "Town Meeting" type program on war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Also needed: Volunteers to help maintain our web site. Write to
You may contribute on line at or make your check payable to Not In Our Name and mail to Not In Our Name, 305 West Broadway #199, New York, NY 10013.
"The need for this tribunal, as an instrumentality of world humanity, arises from the historical, moral and political responsibility of people of conscience to sit in judgment of this administration: to inquire and assess whether this administration has committed crimes that do in fact rise to the levels of crimes against humanity." -- from the Commission Standards for Judgment
Your contribution enables the Commission to live up to this mandate.