Guatemala: justice must be done following murder
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Guatemala: justice must be done following the murder of a trade unionist
A high level delegation from Europe, the United States and Latin America has travelled to Guatemala following the assassination, two weeks ago, of trade unionist Pedro Zamora, to demand that justice be done and every measure be taken to ensure the protection of his trade union colleagues.
The delegation is composed of representatives from the ITF (International Transport Federation), the ITUC, Spanish trade union confederations CC.OO and UGT, UITA-FESTRAS of Guatemala, the AFL- CIO and the International Labour Organisation.
The delegation will visit Pedro Zamora's family and meet with the Guatemalan government, the police, trade union leaders and humans rights groups. Anti-union repression in Guatemala is a serious problem and has been for too long now. Five of Pedro Zamora's colleagues have also been the targets of intimidation and death threats.