New coal mine a climate disaster
New coal mine a climate disaster
September 07, 2007
Sydney, Australia — "The new 10million ton per year Moolarben coal mine is a climate disaster," said Ben Pearson, Greenpeace Energy Campaigner today."This announcement shows that neither side of Australian politics is serious about climate change. While Federal liberals do their best at a national and international level to block real action to reduce CO2 emissions, State labor governments approve new climate damaging coal mines and coal fired power stations."
"The new 10million ton per year Moolarben coal mine is a climate disaster," said Ben Pearson, Greenpeace Energy Campaigner today. "It will emit millions of tons of grennhouse pollution, and makes further mockery of this government's claims to take climate change seriously."
"The new coal mine also shows that neither side of Australian politics is serious about climate change. While Federal liberals do their best at a national and international level to block real action to reduce CO2 emissions, State labor governments approve new climate damaging coal mines and coal fired power stations."
"If both levels of Australian government were serious about climate change they would act on the need to quit coal and switch to clean renewable energy."