Curtail Speech in The Name of 'Protecting Religion
WPFC Issues Statement on Proposal to Curtail Speech in The Name of 'Protecting Religion'
Reston, USA, Oct. 2, 2008 -
The World Press Freedom Committee ( ) - an
umbrella organization representing 45 press
groups throughout the world - issued a strongly
worded statement
criticizing a discussion topic that is
to begin today that would curtail
freedom of religion.
This meeting will occur today at an experts'
under the auspices of the Geneva-based United
Nations Office of the High
Commissioner for Human
It is the strong view of the WPFC that this
proposal - presented under the
guise of "defamation of
religion" and introduced by the
Organization of the Islamic Conference -
constitutes an unacceptable
attempt to curtail freedom of
expression throughout the world, especially
in countries
that lack an official religion.
"Recent discussions of
'Defamation of Religion'," reads the WPFC
"have assumed that freedom of expression is
simply one value to be balanced
among many others, and
specifically that, in matters of religion, it
properly be limited if a significant number of people
would otherwise be
angered or offended by it. That view,
however, is totally unacceptable to
many member states,
for which freedom of expression is central to
entire system of