Stimulus Is “Behavioural Economics” Kookery
Australians Beware! Stimulus Is “Behavioural Economics” Kookery
If you think the policy of giving spending money to consumers to “stimulate” an economic recovery doesn’t make sense, you’re right because it doesn’t—it is kookery cooked up by a cultish clique of “behavioural economists” who’ve hijacked White House economic policy, and are pushing behavioural economics as a global policy in coordination with Kevin Rudd, Gordon Brown, and the International Monetary Fund, warned Citizens Electoral Council leader Craig Isherwood today.
Mr Isherwood released this statement, to endorse U.S. Statesman and physical economist Lyndon LaRouche’s urgent call to President Barack Obama to “kick the Behavioural Economics kooks out”, issued during an international webcast on April 11.
As exposed in the April 13 TIME magazine, President Obama is totally surrounded by a collection of these “behaviorists”, including longtime Obama advisors Cass Sunstein, Richard Thaler, Dan Ariely, and Daniel Kahneman, who have cultivated a cult-like following through the publication of such nutty pseudo-economic tracts as Freakonomics, Nudge, Predictably Irrational, The Wisdom of Crowds, and Animal Spirits.
These kooks have been influencing Obama towards continuing the recent disastrous economic policy direction embraced at the G-20 meeting, that is—get people happy again and they will spend and stimulate demand.
Mr Isherwood explained, “So just how nutty are these guys? If you take the case of Australian wheat growers, over the recent 12-18 months, they have lost their single desk marketing protection, and been exposed to the ‘free trade’ of manipulated markets and collapsed prices; fertilizer prices rocketed from $300 to $1,800 per tonne; poor freight infrastructure restricted their markets; fuel prices skyrocketed during planting time; their water supply was restricted either from short-supply, drought or government policy; and for those who did get a return on their crops, it was the same as 20 years ago. To these behavioural economist nuts, the average broke, depressed (and possibly suicidal) farmer’s problem is entirely a personal one—a behavioral problem, which makes it the farmer’s fault, not the fault of the parasites who have looted the physical productive economy blind.”
Mr Isherwood said, “Many people have been looking to Obama for real economic leadership in the world’s greatest financial and monetary system breakdown crisis; instead we are getting the garbage dished out by a bunch of behaviourist kooks who present policies which are couched in pseudo-scientific terms, and presented as New Age self-help and personal empowerment measures.
“This garbage is designed for populations of the world to accept that it is time for a new paradigm, one which will prepare us for the coming collapse of living standards, and of population levels. We already see examples of these policies, which are being presented as positive—stopping global warming, learning to live simpler lives, doing with less as a way of saving the planet.
“Underneath this feel-good pop psychology is pure fascism,” Mr Isherwood continued, “fascism that reduces human beings down to mere animals having to accept their economic servitude (as consumers) to a free-market globalisation oligarchy, instead of being encouraged to be citizens who, through their creative reason, can uniquely make discoveries of principle to apply through science and technology and transform the environment.”
Mr Isherwood concluded, “The purveyors of this behaviourist kookery hope to take advantage of the fact that because our agro-industrial base has shrunk to less than 20 per cent of the total economy, the large percentage of the population who no longer understand physical economic processes will fall for this fascist kookish rubbish.
“Don’t fall for it—fight it, and join the CEC’s fight to make the government implement a real economic recovery program, through infrastructure development, and reindustrialisation.”