Chicago: We Need More Than Police Action!
With 41 Chicago Children Killed In The Past 10 Months, We Need More Than Police Action
Policing, by itself, as the major crime-prevention strategy in American cities, does not work!!!
The Obama White House response to the violence in Chicago as told to the Wall Street Journal by senior advisor Valerie Jarrett was, “The government will provide an unprecedented level of support for law enforcement….”
"An unprecedented level of support for law enforcement” will not and cannot stop the violence that is destroying America from within.
The issue of Black and Latino children dying in the streets is not only a Chicago issue, it is an American issue! Every city and many small towns have this same problem: children dying in the streets.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 6000 children and youth are murdered every year, but the blood of Black and Latino youth that runs in American streets has received little response from the White House.
Until President Obama provides national leadership and federal attention on this issue--not just “support for law enforcement"--this carnage will continue.
In the old west, when the law could not or would not protect the people, the people organized to protect themselves. Now is the time for men to take to the streets as Community Peace Patrollers to help protect our children, to bring "Peace to the Hood" and to bring hope back to the people of America!
We are not the police. We will not pretend to be the police. And we will not act as police. We are men from the community who will work to bring peace to the community by:
- walking American streets in squads of six
- delivering life-improving information to young people in desperate situations
- talking to and mentoring youth
- becoming a model of hope for struggling communities
- bringing a sense of peace and security back to violence-ridden and war-torn communities
- encouraging men in churches, fraternities, veteran's organizations, Masonic orders, athletic teams, community organizations and other natural-assembling bodies to stand up and be men of service, hope and action to our children, to our communities and to our America
Just as every city has a police department, every city must have a Community Peace Patrol.
Please ask President Obama to send help that we can use—jobs, job training, educational programs, community development, family-building assistance and social support programs--during the worst U.S. economy in 80 years.
We need a trickle-up stimulus plan, not simply more police. We are willing to work for America, but we desperately need the White House to work for us because we, too, are America.
Please join the Community Peace Patrol by calling 773.285.9600. Women may volunteer to support this effort with administration and contributions.