Whistleblowers to speak at “Awake & Aware in LA”
Whistleblowers to speak at “Awake & Aware in LA” conference sponsored by Project Camelot
August 11, 3:08 PM Seattle Exopolitics Examiner Alfred Lambremont Webre
Project Camelot: Awake & Aware in LA Conference Whistleblowers including Bob Dean, Duncan O’Finioan and Dr. Pete Peterson will speak a conference in Burbank, CA. sponsored by Project Camelot, a non-profit organization dedicated “to providing researchers, activists and ‘whistleblowers’ with access to all forms of media in order to get the truth out.” The “Awake & Aware in LA” conference will include a special panel on “Women Who Speak,” as well as noted activists and researchers including Cynthia Crawford, author Miriam Delicado, historian Richard Dolan, author George Green, adviser Marcia Shafer, author and futurist Alfred Lambremont Webre, author and film-maker David Wilcock, and Project Camelot directors Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan.
Details on the September 19-20, 2009 conference can be found at www.projectcamelot.org by clicking here.
The Awake & Aware in LA conference follows State of the Planet conferences by Project Camelot in Zurich (July 2009) and Amsterdam (Aug. 2009). Project Camelot’s focus includes: extraterrestrial visitation and contact, time travel, mind control, classified advanced technology, free energy, possible coming earth changes, and revealing plans that exist to control the human race.
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