One [Fiji] Blog Closes, Another Opens
Crosbie Walsh
(CWF Blog/Pacific Media Watch): The Real Fiji News blogsite is closing down. Read what its readers have to say by click on
Real Fiji News is a pro-government site -- the only one since IG closed earlier, as far as I know -- and many of its posts have been to correct misinformation published in one or another of the numerous anti-government blogs.
By coincidence, I chose the same day as Real Fiji News' closure to launch a companion blog to Fiji: As It Was, Is and Can Be.
The new blog, Public Polls on Fiji's Political Situation ( will be devoted entirely to polls on specific political issues, and those voting will have unrestricted access to discuss each issue with each other.
I'm hoping the discussion will be well reasoned (no personal attacks, please), and helpful to those in Fiji and elsewhere whose actions can influence the course of events, while helping to make the rest of us better informed on Fiji's future choices.
The first four polls are on the need for electoral change, the Alternative Vote, race-based communal electorates, and electorates with approximately the same number of voters.
There's been much talk of the need for dialogue. Here is your opportunity to talk with people whose views you share and do not share.
I hope you use the site well and get others to join you.
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