U.S. State Department Sells Out
U.S. State Department Sells Out Honduran Democracy for Senate Confirmations
Laura Carlsen
In one of the lowest points in U.S. diplomatic history, the State Department announced a turnabout in its Honduran policy and stated it will recognize the results of Nov. 29 elections even if held under the military coup.
The new strategy to promote elections without first assuring a return to constitutional order torpedoes the accord that the State Department itself brokered and was signed by President Manuel Zelaya and coup leader Roberto Micheletti on Oct. 29 and alienates U.S. allies in Latin America. By going back on the commitment to withhold recognition of elections held under a coup regime, the U.S. government has given coup leaders and the armed forces a green light to remain in power, setting a dangerous anti-democracy precedent and potentially ushering in a prolonged period of violence and unrest in Central America...
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