Save The Children Appeal To Assist In Haiti.
Save The Children Has Launched An Immediate Emergency Appeal To Assist Children And Families In Haiti.
“The earthquake has caused widespread damage and reports indicate that as many as 100,000 people have been affected.
“We’ve set an ambitious target of raising $1 million here in New Zealand to help with the immediate response. This money will be used for things like plastic sheeting (for shelter), water purification tablets, cooking sets, emergency health kits and child friendly spaces,” says Save the Children New Zealand Chief Executive Liz Gibbs.
Save the Children has been working in Haiti since 1985 and is well placed to respond quickly to the disaster.
“We have 54 people on the ground. They are fully linked into in-country emergency coordination mechanisms and are already sketching out areas of response. They have begun to assess needs and damage using motorbikes where possible on damaged roads,” says Liz Gibbs.
“New Zealanders are generous people and we urge all New Zealander to donate generously as possible to the very vulnerable children and their families that we are reaching in Haiti.” Donations can be made in several ways: • Call Save the Children New Zealand’s donation line: 0800 167 168 • Visit any one of Save the Children’s shops across the country (our website: lists the one closest to you) • Send a cheque, made out to Save the Children, to Freepost PO Box 6584, Marion Square, Wellington. Mark your envelope Myanmar and don’t forget to add your name and address so we can send you a receipt.
Save the Children staff in Haiti are available for interviews. For further information, please contact: Nicole Were, Communications Advisor, Save the Children New Zealand, / 04 381 7573 / 029 200 9348.
Save the Children is the world’s largest independent child rights development organisation, making a difference to children’s lives in more than120 countries. From emergency relief to long term development, Save the Children secures a child’s right to health, education and protection.