Safety Resources For Journalists Travelling Abroad
Safety Resources For Journalists Travelling
PARIS (Reporters sans frontières/Pacific Media Watch): The intensity of the violence against foreign journalists in Egypt in early February served as a reminder that media personnel often become targets when they are covering unrest. To help protect journalists when they travel abroad, Reporters Without Borders offers:
- Insurance policies
covering war risks
- The loan of bullet-proof vests and
- A free “Press SOS” hotline for journalists
in trouble
- A Handbook for Journalists
- Training
for reporters going to war zones
- Information about the
trauma that can result from covering war and disasters, and
psychological support.
Insurance policies tailored to
journalists’ needs
Because of a lack of
information and the prohibitive premiums requested by
traditional insurance companies, journalists often set off
for war zones and disasters without medical and repatriation
cover. As a result, Reporters Without Borders has developed
specialised policies in partnership with a Canadian
insurance company.
Designed for freelancers of any nationality, or staff journalists not covered by an employer insurance policy, this partnership provides access to policies that include war risks cover. The “reinforced” policy covers reporters who are embedded with a military or government unit.
Signing up for a policy is fast. The only requirement is affiliation to Reporters Without Borders. For more information and a summary of the cover offered by the two kinds of policy, go to:,21746.html
Loan of bullet-proof vests and helmets
to the support of the French Defence Ministry, in
particular, the Office for Defence Information and
Communication (DICoD), Reporters Without Borders renewed its
stock of bullet-proof vests and helmets in January 2011.
Bearing the word “Press,” this equipment is lent to
affiliated journalists, who just have to leave a deposit.
More than 30 journalists went to war zones in such countries
as Iraq and Afghanistan with these vests and helmets in
2010. Reporters Without Borders also provides journalists
with distress beacons.
Press SOS hotline
Thanks to a partnership with American Express, any
journalist in trouble can contact the Reporters Without
Borders team immediately, 24 hours a day, seven days a week,
by calling +33 1 4777-7414 or by going to any local American
Express agency. Depending on the problem, a Reporters
Without Borders representative will provide the journalist
with advice or contacts, or will alert local or consular
Preparation and information
Proper preparation and appropriate information about the
dangers in the war zone or area of tension to be visited can
help journalists limit the risks they run. The information
in the Handbook for Journalists, which Reporters Without
Borders wrote in partnership with UNESCO, and the practical
training offered by the DICoD are vital resources for any
reporter about to leave for a high-risk area.
Psychological support
Protecting journalists
in war zones is not limited to ensuring their physical
safety. Reporters Without Borders is also concerned about
the psychological damage that can result from covering armed
conflicts or other traumatic events. In cooperation with
experienced war reporters, Reporters Without Borders informs
journalists about detecting the trauma that can result from
such missions and puts them in touch with professionals who
can help