AWPA calls on MSG PMs to grant West Papua membership
AWPA calls on MSG Prime Ministers to grant West Papua membership
AWPA is encouraged by the statement from the Chairman of the MSG meeting , Ratu Inoke Kubuabol that "The Melanesia Spearhead Group feels for their brothers and sisters in West Papua" . Joe Collins of AWPA said "we urge the MSG to grant West Papua membership at the leaders summit. They would have the support of the Melanesian people across the region in granting West Papua membership".
We note that in a poll by the Pacific Institute of Public Policy (PiPP) that "42% also included West Papua" as part of the Melanesian family and that a clear majority of respondents across Melanesia said yes to the question do you support independence for West Papua?
From PiPP press
When asked who they considered part of the
Melanesian family, a clear majority of respondents included
the established members (PNG, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Fiji
and New Caledonia) while 42% also included West Papua, 17.1%
included Australia, 14.9% included Indonesia and 14.1%
included Timor Leste.
Another question posed was “do you support independence for West Papua?” A clear majority of respondents across Melanesia said yes, with very high support in PNG (89.3%) and Vanuatu (88.2%). This suggests a disconnect between popular support and the position taken by governments in the region, except Vanuatu, which has long championed the West Papuan cause at the political level.
Joe Collins said " we see that in the poll only 14.9% of respondents considered Indonesian to be part of the Melanesian family yet Indonesian has observer status but not west papua. For the sake of the long term stability of the region we hope West Papua will be discussed at the leaders meeting.