Nailega Budget Workshop
Nailega Budget Workshop
In efforts to empower grassroots people in preparing, understanding and making submissions to the Ministry of Finance for proposed development projects within their communities, the Citizens Constitutional Forum is conducting a two day Budget workshop for the villagers of Tikina Nailega in Wainibuka this week.
The workshop which will involve over 37 participants from the five villages in the Tikina Nailega will be held this Wednesday and Thursday, June 18th and 19th at Korovou Hotel in Korovou.
National Budget Advocacy is one of the major activities of the CCF Education Program. Its main aim is to educate the grassroots people on the processes of the national budget, to establish the link between the national budget and the people along with the importance of community participation in the budgetary process. It also aims to empower the grassroots on how to advocate to the government on issues for the budget, and the process of preparing and handing in submissions to the government.
CCF has carried out and conducted similar Grassroots National Budget Workshop in various provinces and locations around Fiji in the last three years. It has also presented submissions from these workshops to the government.
At the end of the
workshop the participants will be able to understand:
the processes of the national budget;
participation in the budgetary process;
advocacy to the
government on issues for the budget; and
the process of
preparing and handing in submissions to the government
Reverend Akuila Yabaki
The CCF is a
non-government organisation that educates and advocates for
good governance, human rights and multiculturalism in Fiji.
We are not aligned with any political