South East Europe Media Forum, Nov 2011
South East Europe Media Forum Media Pluralism and Media Business in South, East and Central Europe 2-3 November 2011, Belgrade Serbia
Vienna, 28 October
2011-The Vienna-based South East Europe Media Organisation
(SEEMO), the Central European Initiative (CEI) from Trieste,
Italy, and the Media Program South East Europe of
Germany’s Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) are pleased to
announce the V South East Europe Media Forum (SEEMF) in
Belgrade, Serbia, from 2 to 3 November 2011. This year’s
forum will analyse problems and perspectives of media
pluralism, media market and business models in the region.
The conference will be inaugurated by Serbia’s prime
minister, Mirko Cvetkovic.
During the two-day conference, to be attended by more than 200 participants from 20 countries, Polish journalist Kalicki Wlodzmierz will be presented with the CEI SEEMO Award for Outstanding Merits in Investigative Journalism 2011. Special investigative journalism diplomas will be given to Artan Hoxha (Albania), Dijana Suboticki (Serbia), and Matej Surc and Blaz Zgaga (Slovenia).
SEEMF aims to promote exchanges and networking among media executives and leading journalists in the region. Previous SEEMF events took place in Zagreb (2007); Sofia (2008); Tirana (2009); and Budapest (2010).
In addition to SEEMO, CEI and KAS, the partners for
the V SEEMF are: The European Broadcasting Union (EBU); the
OSCE Mission to Serbia; the South, East and Central Europe
PR Organisation (SECEPRO); the International Media Center;
and Raiffeisen Bank International.