Can You Understand the Republican Brain?
Tuesday 17 April 2012
The Climate Movement Takes
On Fracking: Interview With Bill McKibben
Shearer, Truthout: "A coalition of local and environmental
organizations including 350(dot)org - the impetus behind the
Keystone XL pipeline tar sands protests - are turning the
nation's focus on hydraulic fracturing, or fracking....
[Bill] McKibben talked with Truthout about Don't Frack Ohio,
the latest developments with the Keystone pipeline and his
thoughts on the next steps for the climate movement."
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Senate Falls
Short in Vote on "Buffett Rule" Millionaire Tax
Lightman, McClatchy Newspapers: "The 'Buffett Rule' - the
Democratic-authored effort to impose a minimum tax on
millionaires - is probably dead for awhile, fatally wounded
by a largely partisan Senate vote Monday. The 51-45
procedural vote failed by nine votes, since 60 are needed to
cut off debate."
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Can You
Understand the Republican Brain?
Mark Karlin,
Truthout: "Scientific American lauds author Chris Mooney 'as
one if the few journalists in the country who specialize in
the now dangerous intersection of science and politics.'
Having interviewed Mooney about his first book, the highly
praised, 'The Republican War on Science,' Truthout/BuzzFlash
interviews Mooney about his latest release, 'The Republican
Brain: The Science of Why They Deny Science - and Reality.'"
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On the News With
Thom Hartmann: Obama Announces Legislation to Combat Oil
Speculation, and More
In today's On the News segment:
Obama announces legislation to combat oil speculation,
Harvard Professor Jim Yong Kim made head of the World Bank,
the scramble for polar petroleum reserves, Julian Assange's
controversial new show, and more.
Watch the Video and Read the Transcript
Tax Day Doesn't Belong to the Tea Party
Mark Engler, Dissent Magazine: "Over the past
several years, few annual occasions have been more symbolic
of the direction of political discussion in our country than
Tax Day. This year, the IRS due date bears witness to the
impact of the Occupy movement in American politics."
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Mitt Romney Tells
Rich Donors His Secret Plan to Cut Housing
Pat Garofalo, ThinkProgress: "During
comments overheard by an NBC news reporter, Mitt Romney told
a crowd at a private fundraiser last night that he might
eliminate the Department of Housing and Urban Development,
scale back the Department of Education, and eliminate some
specific tax provisions."
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Occupy Wall
Street's Occupation of Wall Street Facing Eviction Despite
Legal Protections
Sarah Jaffe, AlterNet: "When Occupy
Wall Street protesters decided to take up sleeping on the
sidewalks of Wall Street, they did so with the protection -
they thought - of the law. Specifically, a 2000 court
decision, Metropolitan Council Inc. v. City of New York,
that ruled that sleeping on City sidewalks was a
Constitutionally-protected form of protest."
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The Federal
Reserve Turns Left
William Greider, The Nation:
"Washington is lost in a snarl of confusion, cowardice and
wrongheaded ideological assumptions that threaten to keep
the economy in a ditch for a long time. That prospect is not
much discussed in the halls of Congress or the White House.
It's as though the crisis has been put on hold until after
the presidential election."
Read the Article
Taking Uncle Sam
for a Ride: How Pakistan Makes Washington Pay for the Afghan
Dilip Hiro, TomDispatch: "Given such strong
cards, diplomatic and legal, why then did the Obama
administration commit itself to releasing more than $1
billion to a government that has challenged its attempt to
bring to justice an alleged mastermind of cross-border
terrorism? The answer lies in what happened at two Pakistani
border posts 1.5 miles from the Afghan frontier in the early
hours of November 26, 2011."
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Laura Flanders |
Raising Kids Is Work? Tell That to Women on
Laura Flanders, The Nation: "For all the
shameful sucking up to multimillionaire mom Ann Romney after
Democratic pundit Hilary Rosen accused her of never having
worked 'a day in her life,' the reality is neither
Republicans nor Democrats treat most parenting as work, and
thousands of poor women are living in poverty today as
living proof of that fact."
Read the Article and Watch the Video
Paul Krugman | In a "Crankocracy," the Rich Call the
Paul Krugman, Krugman & Co.: "Timothy Noah
makes an interesting point in the April 19 edition of The
New Republic: at least so far, the most visible effect of
the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision has been not so
much a flood of corporate cash into politics as a flood of
cash from billionaire cranks into politics."
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Activists Gather
in Washington to Debate the Future of the
Keane Bhatt, Truthout: "Organized by
Ralph Nader and the Center for Study of Responsive Law, more
than 200 activists and scholars convened in Washington, DC,
on April 2 for an all-day conference on 'Controlling the
Corporation.' Nader opened the conference, outlining the
growing corporate role in everyday life. 'Mega-corporations
use the public's own resources against it, planning
intimately and relentlessly our future,' exercised in many
spheres, including 'mass media, health care, transportation,
tax code, housing, trade agreements,' even 'patenting our
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Education's Role in Occupy and Related Social Justice
Maura Stephens, Truthout: "As concerned
citizens and as campus communities, we must get out in front
and take a public stand against harassment, intimidation and
violence against peaceful protesters, whether they are
campus-based ... or not.... So, this is for my colleagues
and for all people who work in academia around the country
from preschool on up: If you have been too busy, please take
some time to catch up. Your career, indeed, your very
future, may depend on it."
Read the Article
Get Your Boot Off
My Neck: End Impunity for the Mexican Military
Kennedy, Inter Press Service: "Last weekend, my 14-year-old
daughter, Michaela, and I were en route to Easter Sunday
mass in Acapulco. We were stopped, harassed, threatened, and
detained by eight soldiers in battle fatigues brandishing
automatic weapons. At first, I was merely concerned; after
all, we were travelling with RFK Human Rights Award Laureate
Abel Barrera and his legal team, among the brightest lawyers
in Mexico. Our attorneys immediately cited four articles of
the Mexican constitution that the infantry lieutenant
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New York Police
Department Arrests Occupiers for "Sleepful
Read the Article at The Nation
ALEC on Life Support?
Read the Article at
Romney Refuses to Say Whether He Would
Sign Lilly Ledbetter Pay Equity Law
Read the Article at
Mass Action Gets Results: The Arrest
of George Zimmerman
Read the Article at
Apple, Google, Facebook: Whose Data
Centers Are the Dirtiest?
Read the Article at Mother
Why Democrats Feel Joy in GOP Defeat of
Buffett Rule
Read the Article at The Daily
Corporations Are Sociopaths
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