Kiwi Syrians Horrified at the Recent Massacres
Thursday, 12 April 2012
Press Release
Kiwi Syrians Horrified at the Recent Massacres in the Presence of the UN Peace Keepers.
Fifteen months have passed since the Syrian uprising began, leaving 10,000+ dead and millions displaced from their homes and forced to become refugees. The only crime committed by the people of Syria is their stance against injustice and oppression committed by the Assad regime for over forty years.
On May 3rd students in Syria’s University of Aleppo staged a massive demonstration in solidarity with their friends in other cities that have faced the iron fist of the dictator Bashar Al-Assad. The ensuing result was a regime attack on the university that left 4 students dead, 28 critically injured and over 200 detained.
Atrocities against the youths didn’t end there. On the night of Friday May 25th 2012 the Syrian regime forces bombarded the Syrian town of Houla. Upon entering the town they stabbed and gunned down over 51 children and 34 women. By the end of the night the world had witnessed one of the most horrific and inhumane massacres of modern history. More than 116 innocent civilians were left murdered in cold blood.
In response to these massacre and the on-going massacres the Assad regime is tirelessly committing, we call upon the International community and the United Nations to stand up to their responsibilities and stop such massacres against our innocent people in Syria. We also call for the termination of the Annan Six Point Plan which only contributed towards giving the regime more time to commit more atrocities and violations of the international law. Instead we call for establishing a UN military plan to establish a no-flight zone over Syria, monitor the Syrian maritime domain to stop the provision of arms to the Assad regime, establish buffer zones to protect the civilians and support the peaceful popular uprise, and to arm the Free Syrian Army and provide it with all it may need to protect the civilians.
Today, Tuesday 29th May 2012, at 12:00PM in the Auckland University Quad, Auckland University students will stand in solidarity with the students of Aleppo and the people of Syria to show their support and solidarity.
NZ Syrian’s and their families stand in solidarity with those of their people who are risking their lives for justice, dignity and freedom.
Related Links:
Syria crisis: Houla child
massacre confirmed by UN
Video Showing the killed women and children in
Survivors from the Houla Massacre reporting what
A woman who survived but have seen her family being
slaughtered in front of her