A note from Rabbi Michael Lerner
Tikkun to heal, repair and transform the world
A note from Rabbi Michael Lerner Join or Donate Now!
Dear Colleague
I hope you'll read both of my post-election
reflections, though they do have slightly different foci.
On the home page of Huffington Post this Monday morning
you'll find my article "In Praise of the American People"
while on the home page
for Truth-Out,org you'll find a report of
what liberals and progressives have been sharing with me in
regard to their concerns that Obama will only be a "lesser
evil president" unless we ourselves organize to become as
effective a pressureon him and Congressional Democrats as
the Tea Party was on Congressional Republicans in the past
four years.
In fact, the media today are filled with stories revealing that 'Grand Bargain' Talks Will Likely Target Medicare, Social Security & Programs For The Poor. Paul Krugman's article in the NY Times this past Friday pleaded with the President "Don't Make A Deal," but Obama and Congressional Dems will make such a deal unless we can get justice- and genersity-oriented people (across traditional party lines) in every state and every congressional district to let their elected representatives know that the outcome of the eleciton was meant to be a mandate for protecting the poor and vulnerable, not sacrificing them on the false altar of Republican ideology about the deficit!
I'd be delighted to hear your response after reading both articles! Even more so if you are someone willing to help createa local Tikkun reading group of the magazine in your area (we'll help) or a group to educate your local elected officials to endorse the Global Marshall Plan and/or the Money OUT of Politics campaign embedded in the ESRA--Environmental and Social Responsibility Amerndment to the U.S. Constitution.
Warm regards and blessings,
Rabbi Michael Lerner
Editor, Tikkun www.tikkun.org Chair, The Network of Spiritual Progressives