Supervision By The People
Supervision By The People
Can you believe it the traditionally secretive and closed Chinese State is providing security protection for a citizen journalist website founder and editor so that he can continue to expose the endemic corruption within the Chinese Communist Party officialdom?
Zhu Ruifeng the chief editor of the Supervision by the People website has acquired this unprecedented distinction. This is on account of the tremendously good work he has been doing in exposing corruption and sex scandal involving Communist Party officials. Zhu Ruifeng initially struggled to keep his website going but now get gets hundreds of emails by citizens alerting him of corruption in high places. Zhu Ruifeng's work has been recognised as being good for both the Communist Party and for contemporary Chinese society after both the outgoing Premier of the CP and the incoming one stressed that the credibility of the Party was at stake if corruption within it was not rooted out.
Zhu is being provided State security protection because he has been receiving a steady stream of death threats.
It is quite amazing that one citizen journalist like Zhu Ruifeng can be such a change agent in a country like China.
Supervision by the People gives hope and inspiration for democratic accountability, transparency and good governance everywhere.
If it can happen in China it can happen anywhere.
(Source SBS news 20/12/2012 which drew upon a BBC interview given by Zhu Ruifeng :
Rajend Naidu