Big Plans V Children's Park
Big Plans V Children's Park
A public spirited citizen Viraj Goundar of RakiRaki has drawn attention to the "rusted" and "broken" and hazardous state of the play equipment at a children's park in Suva Point (FT 6/1) .
It is often the case that the small things - things that touch ordinary peoples' daily lives ,eg, access to decent public toilets , clean water supply - tend to get neglected by the authorities because they are preoccupied with big plans and big things.
It is a typically third world phenomenon. The leadership get caught up in grand undertakings often for their own aggrandizement but fail to do what matters - for the people.
The people of Fiji are no doubt aware of the grand undertakings by the current post coup Bainimarama government in Fiji.
Will these better the lives of the ordinary people of Fiji?
Rajend Naidu