Spare A Thought For The Victim
Spare A Thought For The Victim
It is natural for men and women of reason to find the booking of a driver for scratching his ear amusing because of the absurdity of it. But there is nothing amusing in this absurd booking for the victim. The man has been subjected to quite unnecessary hassle.
I know this from my own experience. Once I was booked (by the police) for failing to stop at a school crossing at Vatuwaqa Primary School , Laucala Bay Rd. The small school kid suddenly held up the stop sign from the side of the road when I was almost parallel to him. The police refused to hear any explanation and booked me. I contested the booking. Hired a lawyer. Went to court 4 times. The police failed to turn up to prosecute. The case was eventually dismissed by the court. But I had lost money and went through great inconvenience. The booking was of course no skin off the overzealous copper's back.
This kind of behaviour on the part of state officials show contempt towards ordinary citizens.
A good society will not tolerate its officials acting in that disdainful manner towards its citizens.
Rajend Naidu