Greenpeace Statement: RSPO Revisions Too Little and Too Late
Greenpeace Statement: RSPO Revisions Too Little and Too Late
Jakarta, 25 April 2013 – The Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) voted today on revisions to its principles and criteria for the production of environmentally responsible and socially just palm oil. In response, Wirendro Sumargo, Palm Oil Campaigner at Greenpeace Southeast Asia, said:
“Greenpeace is deeply disappointed that the RSPO wasted this opportunity and has let standards slide to the lowest common denominator. Rather than reward progressive companies such as Golden Agri Resources that have put in place a zero deforestation policy, the RSPO has pandered to the most destructive elements of the palm oil industry.
There is little question that the loss of rainforests is contributing to global climate change and a biodiversity crisis. But for years this trade organisation – whose declared aim is to ensure environmentally responsible palm oil production – has been wrangling about how to deal with the massive GHG emissions caused by the clearance of rainforests and peatlands for the expansion of palm oil plantations.
The RSPO and its new standards will rightly be seen as a toothless tiger. It needs to act now, while we’ve still got some tigers left. The industry needs to push for the strongest possible palm oil standards if we are to break the link between palm oil and forest destruction.”