TEAR Fund supports victims of flash floods in India
TEAR Fund supports victims of devastating flash floods in India
Following flash floods and landslips in India’s Himalayan region of Uttarakhand, TEAR Fund has allocated funds to meet the growing needs of victims of this catastrophe, which has seen the death toll climb to more than 1000. Many people are still missing; 6000 remain stranded, and some officials expect that the death toll could rise as a high as 5,000.
TEAR Fund CEO, Ian McInnes says, “these early monsoon rains hit at a critical time during religious pilgrimages when the population was concentrated in volatile regions. The rains have not only taken loved ones but also swept away people’s livelihoods. Livestock were swept downstream; crops were devastated; homes were destroyed, and access to many villages has been cut off”.
He says, TEAR Fund’s partner is doing all it can to alleviate the suffering confronting these communities by providing relief to 3000 families in one of the most affected districts, where 73 buildings were swept away in the swirling waters of the river. About 160 houses in Rudraprayag were damaged leaving 600 people homeless and there have been many casualties.
To support the victims of this tragedy go to tearfund.org.nz or phone 0800 800 777.