PFLP Official: Hold Abbas Accountable
PFLP Official Calls On Central Council to Convene to Hold Abbas Accountable
GAZA, (PIC)-- Senior official of the popular front for the liberation of Palestine (PFLP) Rabah Muhanna called on the Palestinian central council to convene urgently to hold president Mahmoud Abbas accountable for violating the conditions it had set for the resumption of the peace talks.
In a televised statement, Muhanna urged the Palestinian people in the occupied lands and the Gaza Strip to take to the streets to protest the "peace negotiations" with the Israeli occupation.
He called for exerting great pressures on Abbas as much as the pressures that had been made on him by the US administration and some Arab countries.
The PLFP official warned that the resumption of these negotiations would lead to the further concessions on the Palestinian constants and rights, especially the rights of return.
In a related context, political analysts Hosam Addajni and Ibrahim Al-Madhoun said that Abbas's decision to return to the negotiation table was taken unilaterally and would be detrimental to the Palestinian constants.
The two analysts stated that US secretary of state Johan Kerry succeeded in pressuring Abbas into engaging in peace talks with Israel in Washington.