Anti-Coup Alliance Statement on ‘Friday of Anger’
Anti-Coup Alliance Statement on ‘Friday of Anger’ Murderous Crimes by Coup Commanders
Egypt’s coalition of
pro-legitimacy, pro-democracy groups and movements,
including the Muslim Brotherhood, urges world leaders and
human rights organizations to condemn and stop murderous
military madness in Egypt.
Saturday, August 17,
The July 3 coup commanders show more and more vividly just how blood-thirsty, savage and vengeful they are. Not content with the massacres and crimes against humanity they committed during their violent ‘scorched-earth’ crackdown on Rabaa El-Adaweya and Nahda vigils, today (Friday) they executed yet another bloody massacre to be added to record of their brutal criminal history.
On Friday alone, the putschists’ security forces killed at least 213 Egyptians (a toll most likely to rise, unfortunately) during peaceful demonstrations to condemn the massacres of August 14, and to demand the overthrow of the coup.
Friday also saw a serious development where the putschists used war planes and military helicopters to machine-gun peaceful demonstrators in Ramses Square in Giza. The army also used armored attack-vehicles’ heavy guns to fire on demonstrators in Alexandria.
General Sisi and his henchmen therefore have the dubious honor of being the first to use the Egyptian armed forces and heavy weapons to kill Egyptians in a historical precedent and a crime against humanity that will not go unpunished by the law.
In another development, the July 3 coup forces used bullets that are forbidden internationally. They kidnapped women who were on their way to participate in peaceful protests on Friday. They continued their unholy practice of violating the sanctity of the dead by mutilating bodies of martyrs. They even attacked the wounded in hospitals, not to mention their attacks on journalists and abduction and targeting of photographers, in an attempt to hide the truth.
The unspeakable massacres those cold-blooded forces committed will be a mark of shame on the forehead of humanity that shows how the coup commanders lost their human senses together with all feelings and values, principles and ethics.
These barbaric atrocities also prove that the coup has been broken, and that the putschists have no alternative but to admit defeat and act accordingly. The will of the people cannot be defeated.
The Anti-Coup, Pro-Legitimacy National Alliance holds the coup commanders and collaborators fully responsible for these horrid crimes. The Alliance also appeals to all human rights organizations and all free and honest people in the world to condemn these crimes and seek to stop the bloodshed and loss of innocent lives.
The Alliance reiterates its continued commitment to peaceful protest in all its activities. Our peacefulness is stronger than their bullets.
On Friday of Anger, in Cairo alone 103 citizens were killed…
In Alexandria, 103 citizens
In Gharbiya 16
Ismailia 11
Suez 9
Beheira 6
Fayoum 8
Minya 1
Sohag 3
Arish 6
Damietta 8
Giza 7
Port-Said 5
God save Egypt and its people and reward the honorable martyrs...
Anti-Coup, Pro-Legitimacy National Alliance