Alliance Confirms: The People Drive The Revolution
Anti-Coup National Alliance Confirms: The People Drive The Revolution
As Egypt’s Revolution goes on, millions of people turn out to streets and squares across the country every day in peaceful protests against the bloody repressive coup regime.The Anti-Coup, Pro-Legitimacy National Alliance values the Egyptian people’s continued persistence and steadfastness as they lead the Revolution, defend their homeland in the streets and squares of liberty, pride and dignity, and provide a unique model in determination and resolve in the face of the putschist military machine of terror and repression.
Evidently, popular protests have grown to include more segments of society, more political colors, locations, and creativity, to confirm the greatness of the people and their free will, notwithstanding the cowardly arbitrary arrests.
The greatness of the Egyptian people and their determination to regain their stolen freedom enabled them to make their Revolution, and renew it every day in numerous and highly creative activities and non-violent protest events, including human chains, car rallies, motorcycle rallies and street data-shows, etc.
The Alliance affirms that every day it monitors the movement of anti-coup protests in Egyptian streets as well as numbers of participating citizens in all events that it calls, and carefully studies this huge popular movement.
The Alliance asserts that peaceful protest events throughout the country have increased in number, diversity, momentum and success at circumventing military coup repressive measures, certainly more than the centrally-organized events earlier on.
We can further emphasize that the millions of people who participated and turned out in the Martyrs’ Friday protests exceeded the number of those who participated in the Friday of Anger.
We also stress that false reports by the coup’s media machine about ‘dwindling numbers’ of participants are utter lies, as evident in live broadcasts and photographs published about Martyrs’ Friday and popular protest events organized every day.
The Egyptian people are driving the Revolution toward achieving its objectives. Days will only increase their insistence on non-violent struggle to restore the democratic process, completely defeat the coup, and return to the legitimacy of the January 25 Revolution.
The Anti-Coup, Pro-Legitimacy National Alliance