El-Wafa Hospital is still receiving patients
El-Wafa Hospital is still receiving patients after Israeli missile attack
On 11th July, five Israeli missiles struck el-Wafa hospital, yesterday three new patients arrived requiring treatment.
All of them suffer from head injuries due to Israeli missile attacks and have been transferred from Shifa Hospital to Al-Wafa Rehabilitation Hospital after operations. Now they will stay for rehabilitation until they are well enough to leave.
Emad Jameel Albrdweel, 45, was at home Friday last week when his neighbors’ house was struck by a missile from an Israeli fighter jet.
Shrapnel from the explosion penetrated through his skull and into his brain. He was taken to Shifa Hospital for an operation and, after the shrapnel was successfully removed and the bleeding stopped, he was transferred for rehabilitation at el-Wafa hospital where International Solidarity Movement (ISM) volunteers and other internationals have been maintaining a constant presence since it was struck by Israeli missiles.
“Now there are a total of 17 patients. We will stay here, with all these patients, until Israel no longer is a threat to their lives.” Said Fred Ekblad, Swedish ISM activist.
The two other recently transferred patients share the same story of being indirect targets from Israeli missiles, and are also suffering from severe injuries. All of them were transferred to el-Wafa as Shifa hospital is full of incoming injuries.
“We will stay at the hospital, we will protect our patients, we will protect our nurses. We protect lives, Israel takes life.” Said Basman Alashi, executive director of Al-Wafa Rehabilitation Hospital.
“Things have been mostly quiet for us so far. But that could change quickly. We’re as prepared as possible for any new developments, and will stay here as long as our presence is needed.” Stated U.S. citizen Joe Catron, ISM activist.