ADC Demands Meeting with Google, Removal of Offensive Apps
ADC Demands Meeting with Google and Immediate Removal of Offensive Anti-Arab Applications
August 4, 2014
Washington, DC: The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) sent a letter to Google CEO Larry Page today strongly condemning and demanding the immediate removal of Google Play's offensive anti-Arab applications "Bomb Gaza," "Gaza Assault: Code Red," "Whack the Hamas," amongst others.
The applications turn the massacre of occupied and blockaded Gaza into a game, where users can shoot and kill Arab caricatures that represent the innocent civilians slaughtered by Israeli forces. Not only are the applications insensitive about the over 1,800 civilian casualties that have been killed in Israel's current siege, but they also glorify Israel's internationally-condemned military actions and villify Arabs in the most racist way.
ADC is shocked that these applications encourage Google Play users to partake in the virtual aggression towards and dehumanization of Palestinians, and even more so that Google allows these applications to exist on its interface.
In the letter, ADC also demands a meeting with Google to discuss this disturbing matter and how similar racist incidences can be avoided in the future.