Public forum on the Trans--Pacific Partnership (TPP):
Public forum on the Trans--Pacific Partnership (TPP):
When: Thursday, April 16, 12.30 - 2 PM,
Where: Jubilee Room, NSW Parliament House Macquarie Street Sydney
Secret TPP trade negotiations between Australia, the US, Japan and nine other Pacific Rim countries are continuing into late May. Recent leaked documents confirm proposals which could result in higher medicine prices, more internet copyright restrictions, less ability to regulate imported food and special rights for foreign companies to sue governments over changes in our laws and policies, including State government health, environment and other policies. A Senate Inquiry is investigating the secrecy of the TPP and other trade agreement processes
Speakers :
Dr Patricia Ranald, Australian Fair Trade and Investment Network: The TPP: secrecy, democracy and investor rights to sue governments
Jon Edwards, Doctors without Borders (MSF) on the TPP and medicines
Professor Kimberlee Weatherall, University of Sydney: TPP copyright proposals and the internet
Sarah Agar, Choice consumer organisation: The TPP and food labelling