Dear Global Press Professionals all over the world
Dear Global Press Professionals all over the world
15 October 2015
Greetings, Global Press Professionals who loves peace. I am Man Hee Lee, the peace advocate of Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL).
I have been sent to you as a messenger with a duty to make known the events of the end of the world of humanity and to reconnect the lifeline that was severed. Therefore, I am the peace advocate of Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light, who transcends all borders of nation, race, religion, and ideology. I do not belong to any traditional religious bodies. However, God, who has sent me, is with me.
At the World Alliance of Religions’ Peace (WARP) Summit from September 16 through 19 of 2014 in Seoul, Republic of Korea, former and current political leaders and chief justices pledged to work towards the enactment of international law, while religious leaders pledged to unite religions as one under God. Furthermore, representatives of organizations and reporters from around the world also pledged to support the two movements. These pledges were made in the sight of God and all people of the world, and heaven and earth were called as witnesses.
As a result, HWPL World Alliance of Religions’ Peace Offices are being established and Peace Monuments have been erected in various locations around the world, as you saw through the 1st Annual Commemoration of the WARP Summit.
It is for this cause that we have been chosen in this generation. All the pledges must be carried out everywhere in the world. If those pledges made with God and all people of the world are not carried out, organizations and the media around the world should urge that what was promised be fulfilled. This work must be done quickly.
Please make sure to watch the highlight video of the 1st Annual Commemoration of the WARP Summit and spread the news of the Commemoration throughout the world. We are one. We all are messengers of peace.
Religion becoming one under God does not mean you can no longer minister or that each religious body disappears. It simply means that religion becomes one, and much more Truth will be known.
This work that our messengers of peace are doing will shine forever in social and religious history, and future generations will be eternally thankful. Shalom.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Man Hee Lee, HWPL
In the Peace