European Parliament must vote to stop surveillance equipment
EU: European Parliament must vote to stop surveillance
equipment going to rights-abusing
Brussels, BE - European
Parliament’s (EP) vote tomorrow could stop the export of
dangerous surveillance equipment to rights-abusing
governments, according to a coalition of international NGOs.
The vote, on European Union’s (EU) export control regime
for dual-use items, which have civilian and military uses,
is an important step forward to protect journalists,
dissidents and human rights defenders all over the world
from human rights violations caused by surveillance
technologies originating from EU
"These new rules should eventually
stop EU produced surveillance equipment from being exported
to countries where there is a high risk it would be used to
abuse journalists, activists and others who work to defend
rights. They have learnt the hard way that they cannot rely
upon EU governments to prioritise human rights over economic
interests,” said Nele Meyer, Senior Executive
Officer at Amnesty International.
BAE Systems, the UK’s
largest arms manufacturer, was revealed in 2017 to have been
exporting controlled internet surveillance systems capable
of carrying out mass surveillance to countries where human
rights abuses are common, including Saudi Arabia, UAE,
Qatar, Oman, Morocco, and Algeria. If the EP’s changes are
agreed with the European Council, such exports would no
longer be possible if they are likely to lead to serious
human rights violations.
"The EU must take a firm
stand in defence of the freedom to inform. Journalists must
not be spied on or arrested with the help of these ‘dual
use’ technologies, which also have a chilling effect on
journalists and their sources, fuelling concern about the
security of their communications and therefore discouraging
an exchange of information,” said Elodie Vialle,
Head of Journalism and Technology desk at Reporters Without
Borders (RSF).
The EP’s proposal would require Member
States to deny license applications if the export of a
surveillance technology is likely to lead to serious human
rights violations. Authorities will be required to consider
the legal framework governing the use of any surveillance
technology in the country that it is being exported to, and
assess an exports’ impact on the right to privacy, the
right to data protection, freedom of speech, and freedom of
assembly and association.
Crucially, improved
transparency measures will also require Member States to
record, and make publicly available, licensing data
regarding approved and denied exports, allowing democratic
oversight bodies, individuals, civil society and journalists
to gain insight into the secretive global trade in
surveillance technologies.
"The sale of
surveillance equipment from EU Member States allowing
authoritarian regimes to strengthen their oppressive arsenal
is a routine. Transparency and a human rights based
framework are needed to improve accountability and increase
the public scrutiny over these practices,” said
Maddalena Neglia, Director of Globalisation and Human Rights
desk at FIDH.
Other measures include a new list of
technologies requiring export authorisations - putting the
EU’s list ahead of similar international export control
bodies - and increased obligations on exporters to conduct
human rights due diligence. Importantly, the proposal also
recognises the imperative to protect IT security research
from the scope of control, and recognises the importance of
removing current export controls on cryptography. However,
negotiations with Member State authorities will now
determine how successfully these goals will be
Currently, although Member States may already take
human rights considerations into account in the current
system, evidence shows that they have prioritised other
considerations and have approved the vast majority of
exports. It is therefore crucial to ensure that the final
human rights license assessment criteria are clear, binding,
and applied consistently across the Union.
current system fails to adequately account for user’s
rights to privacy and freedom of expression -- an
unacceptable status quo which betrays human rights defenders
and journalists around the globe,” said Lucie
Krahulcova, Policy Analyst at Access Now.
can the EU strongly condemn intimidation and harassment
against journalists, yet continue to provide the tools which
facilitate that to repressive governments who undertake such
repression? Now is the time to end mixed messages. In line
with the EU Human Rights Guidelines on Freedom of Expression
Online and Offline, the EU must take a lead on the world
stage by taking all possible measures to protect these
fundamental rights - and to communicate these standards
clearly in all dialogues with all governments,”
said Tom Gibson, CPJ’s EU
"Surveillance technologies sold
by European companies endangers freedom of expression and
the lives of activists, human rights defenders, journalists,
and all citizens, with tragic consequences. We need
transparency from Member States on these practices, and
licensing data about exports to be publicly available,”
said Antonella Napolitano, Coordinator of the Civil
Liberties in the Digital Age Programme at Coalizione
Italiana Liberta e Diritti civili.
Coalizione Italiana
Liberta e Diritti civili
Committee to Protect
Fédération internationale
des ligues des droits de l'Homme
Reporters without
and cases
Reports in 2017 have showed
-UK authorities approved the export of
telecommunications interception to the Ministry of Interior
in Macedonia in 2012 as a security agency under its command
was engaged in the unlawful surveillance of an alleged
20,000 people (Computer Weekly)
-Of over 330 export
license applications for controlled surveillance technology
made to 17 EU authorities since 2014, 317 have been granted
and only 14 have been rejected; 11 member states, including
France and Italy, refuse to make any licensing data
available to public scrutiny, meaning that the actual amount
of surveillance equipment being licensed for export is
likely to be significantly more (The Correspondent).
-BAE Systems, the
UK’s largest arms manufacturer, has been exporting
controlled internet surveillance systems capable of carrying
out mass surveillance to countries where human rights abuses
are common, including to Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Oman,
Morocco, and Algeria.(BBC and Dagbladet
-Italy approved then subsequently
revoked an export license for an internet surveillance
system to Egypt (IlFattoQuotidiano).
-A French company
has been exporting similar internet surveillance equipment
to Egypt and has received nine other export licenses in 2016
-Companies based in Italy
were filmed admitting to be willing to skirt existing export
regulations to sell surveillance technology to potential
clients around the world, including to countries under EU
restrictive measures (Al
about the global trade in surveillance technology came to public attention during the Arab
Spring, when numerous security agencies across the region
were found to have been using surveillance systems exported
from EU Member States.
In 2011, the Commission released a Green Paper recognising the
need to update the Dual Use Regulation to reflect advances
in technology and early in 2013 first recognisedstakeholders’ desire to
bring the “use of ICT interception and monitoring items or
‘cybertools’” into the scope of the Regulation.
Commission concluded on the basis of a wide-ranging Impact Assessment and public
consultation that “Cyber-surveillance technologies have
legitimate and regulated law enforcement applications, but
have also been used for internal repression by authoritarian
or repressive governments to infiltrate computer systems of
dissidents and human rights activists, at times resulting in
their imprisonment or even death.”
The Commission
eventually released a subsequent proposal to
modernise the EU export control infrastructure in September
2016. While the proposal offers some improvements on the
current regime, it requires significant further changes to
ensure it lives up to its potential of protecting human
In November 2017, amendments to the proposal were
agreed within the Committee on International Trade, the
committee responsible for the report at the European
Parliament. Proposed amendments will be discussed between
the Commission, Parliament, and Member States in secretive
“trialogue” meetings aimed at reaching
a compromise position. Once the member states and Parliament
agree to the amendments, they will become binding across the
European Union.
In May 2017, a coalition of NGOs published a short analysis on the