Celebrating 4th October Korean Summit
Eleven years ago hopes for peace on the Korean Peninsula were at an all time high. After their 4th October 2007 summit meeting, Chairman Kim Jong Il and President Roh Moo-hyun jointly signed a Declaration on the Advancement of South-North Korean Relations, Peace and Prosperity.
The declaration, amongst other matters, agreed that the two Koreas would:
• resolve the issue of unification on their own initiative and according to the spirit of “by-the-Korean-people-themselves;”
• firmly transform inter-Korean relations into ties of mutual respect and trust, transcending the differences in ideology and systems;
• closely work together to put an end to military hostilities, mitigate tensions and guarantee peace on the Korean Peninsula;
• oppose war on the Korean Peninsula and to adhere strictly to their obligation to nonaggression;
• recognize the need to end the current armistice regime and build a permanent peace regime;
• facilitate, expand, and further develop inter-Korean economic cooperation projects on a continual basis for balanced economic development and co-prosperity on the Korean Peninsula in accordance with the principles of common interests, co-prosperity and mutual aid.
Unfortunately President Roh’s two successors rejected these resolutions. Instead of working towards a unified peace, they actively worked towards the breaking down of all cooperation between the two Koreas. This policy was not in the best interest of the Korean nation, nor was it conducive to a regional peace.
The NZ DPRK Society applauds the bold moves now being taken by Chairman Kim Jong Un and President Moon Jae In to reinstate the resolutions agreed upon in the October 4 2007 Declaration..
In doing so the two leaders are giving expression to the Korean people’s heartfelt desire for peace and re-unification.
We call on the United States and other countries
including New Zealand to unreservedly support this
autonomous peace