INVESTIGATE PH Response To Presidential Communications Secretary Martin Andanar
“Sadly, the malice seems to be all with Presidential Communications Secretary Martin Andanar when his recent tweets perhaps deliberately denigrated the Commissioners of INVESTIGATE PH as having no credibility,” said Mr Peter Murphy, a coordinator of the project. “The 11 Commissioners are leaders of global and national Christian church organisations, the global teachers trade union, the main US lawyers association and the main global lawyers association, a leading law firm in Belgium, and respected national politicians.
“We urge the Presidential Communications Secretary to read the Initial Report and engage with the corroborated facts assembled there. The only weapons we found in our investigation were those of the police and the army shooting at unarmed civilians,” said Mr Murphy.
“Our findings are shocking and bring into sharp question the claimed commitment by the Philippine government to protect the basic rights of the Filipino people. In particular, the state personnel who should be protecting the citizens are repressing them, and are unable to be a check on themselves.
“Lawyers, prosecutors and judges who fail to support the repression are vilified by state security groups, and at least 61 have been killed. We urge Secretary Andanar to reflect on this abhorrent situation,” concluded Mr Murphy.