Joe Biden’s Decision To Delete Cuba From US Terrorist List Is Welcome News
The decision to delete Cuba from the US list of sponsors of terrorism is welcome news. The decision has been welcome by NGOs, civil society activists and groups, which exert pressure to prick the conscience of the outgoing Joe Biden administration in Washington to rescind the deeply misguided policy of placing Cuba on US list of State sponsors of terrorism.
Succeeding US government’s decision to place Cuba on its list of state sponsors of terrorism was based on misinformation, hate and misrepresentation. This unilateral decision was not only unconstitutional and at variance with United Nations Charter and international law, but also, was the product of a flawed and non-transparent process. It lacked the careful attention one would expect to see for government decision-making that affects other countries and peoples.
The decision to delete Cuba from US terrorist list is an encouraging sign that the courageous actions of the Cuban Government, the United Nations General Assembly and friends of Cuba worldwide will not be in vain. We congratulate the Cuban Embassy in Freetown, Sierra Leone and through it, to the legitimate Government and people of Cuba who led the campaign that culminated today in reversing one of US draconian policies against the Cuban nation. We also want to offer thanks and congratulations to volunteers of the Hugo Chavez International Foundation for Peace, Friendship and Solidarity (HCIF-PFS) for standing in solidarity with Cuba and speaking out against this cruel and unjustified policy.
While the outgoing Biden administration in Washington acted late to rescind this unilateral policy of misrepresentation of Cuba, a lot remains to be done, and this, we believe the incoming Trump administration will take a bold step to ease the US commercial blockade, financial sanctions and end its undeclared economic war against Cuba and the Cuban people. We will encourage the US administration to correct past mistakes and never to return again to outdated prejudices and policies towards Cuba. The US must also take immediate measures to close its military base in Guantanamo Bay Island and return the territory back to the Cuban people.
The action of the outgoing Biden administration in Washington is a stark reminder that incoming government of President Donald Trump should seek peace and not war, harmony and not destabilisation with its neighbours. President Trump must break from the past and do what is necessary to end US blockade and all other coercive measures against Cuba and the Cuban people.
The American people need to understand that it is not in their interest, or in the interest of Cuba or the international community for Washington to consider Cuba its enemy. Cuba is a very peaceful nation, and a good friend to the global humanity. The Americas and the world are looking to America and to President Donald Trump for leadership.
The Hugo Chavez International Foundation for Peace, Friendship and Solidarity is an independent, voluntary, non-profit organization and non-partisan, with supporters from across Africa and the world. Founded in Bamako, Mali in 2007, the Foundation is a worldwide human rights organization committed to defending the rights, dignity, environmental safety, and freedoms of all people, without any consideration such as colour, race, education, ethnic, gender or any other artificial obstacles.
Alimamy Bakarr
President of the Governing Council and
International Executive Director of the Hugo Chavez
International Foundation for Peace, Friendship and
Solidarity (HCIF-PFS)
For, and on behalf of
volunteers of the Hugo Chavez International Foundation for
Peace, Friendship and Solidarity