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  • Eye on the World - With Manning & Williams (video)

    Video: Eye On The World – With Glenn Williams & Selwyn Manning. This week coalition forces have begun a new wave of attacks on Gaddafi's forces; intercepts show the CIA is operative inside Libya; Gaddafi's sent an envoy to Malta to broker a deal...

  • Recorded Video: Maori Affairs Select Committee 23/6/10

    The SmokeFree Coalition has sponsored a LIVE webcast of tomorrows hearing by the Maori Affairs Select Committee. The Submissions will include one by Dr Jeffrey Wigand.

  • Bomber's Blog: The War On News, Nov 20 2009

    Bomber's Blog - The War On News Martyn "Bomber" Bradbury. Bomber's Blog - the war on news. Weekly TV show on Triangle/Stratos. Bomber also posts on the Tumeke! blog: www.tumeke.blogspot.com

  • Bomber's Blog - The War On News - Ep

    Martyn "Bomber" Bradbury. Bomber's Blog - the war on news. Weekly TV show on Triangle/Stratos. Bomber also posts on the Tumeke! blog: www.tumeke.blogspot.com

  • Video: PM's Post Cabinet Presser 31.08.09

    Live Video from today's Post-Cabinet Press Conference with PM John Key, 4pm

  • Bomber's Blog: The War On News - Ep 8

    Martyn "Bomber" Bradbury. Bomber's Blog - the war on news. Weekly TV show on Triangle/Stratos. Bomber also posts on the Tumeke! blog: www.tumeke.blogspot.com

  • Bomber's Blog - The War On News - Ep 6

    Martyn "Bomber" Bradbury. Bomber's Blog - the war on news. Weekly TV show on Triangle/Stratos. Bomber also posts on the Tumeke! blog: www.tumeke.blogspot.com

  • Video: PM's Post Cabinet Presser 10/08/09

    Live Video from today's Post-Cabinet Press Conference with PM John Key, expected to begin around 4pm. Cabinet is expected to discuss the proposed target for carbon emission reductions and the deployment of combat troops to Afghanistan.

  • Video: PM's Press Conference 27/7/2009

    Live streaming video of Prime Minister John Key's post-cabinet press conference, 27 July 2009.

  • Video: PM's Press Conference 6/7/2009

    Streaming video of Prime Minister John Key's post-cabinet press conference, 29 June 2009.

  • PM's Press Conference 29/6/200

    Recorded streaming video of Prime Minister John Key's post-cabinet press conference, 29 June 2009

  • Video: PM's Press Conference 15/6/2009

    Recorded streaming video of Prime Minister John Key's post-cabinet press conference, 15 June 2009.

  • r2.co.nz video: Reserve Bank Statement 11/6/09

    Recorded streaming video of Reserve Bank Governor Alan Bollard's announcement of the June monetary policy statement. The cash rate has been held at 2.5%.

  • r2.co.nz video: PM's Press Conference 8/6/2009

    Live streaming video of Prime Minister John Key's post-cabinet press conference, 8 June 2009, due to start 4.30pm.

  • R2.co.nz Video: Key Presser On Richard Worth

    R2.co.nz Audio: Recorded video of the Media Conference by the PM on the subject of the resignation of Dr Worth

  • Video - PM's Press Conference 4pm 18 May '09

    Watch the PM's Press Conference here from 4pm - 18 May 2009.

  • Video+Audio: Oxfam Debate (No. 3) Global Poverty

    Oxfam has held its third debate titled "Ending Global Poverty and Building a Safer World". The panelists were: Phil Goff, Keith Locke, John Hayes, Matt Robson, and Kath McCabe. The moderator was broadcaster and writer Bill Ralston.

  • Multimedia: Finance Minister PREFU Presser

    on Demand of NZ Finance Minister Michael Cullen at his October 6 Pre Election Fiscal Update Press Conference. Dr Cullen explained that New Zealand was well placed to weather the financial storms ahead but warned that ongoing fiscal prudence was required.

  • Stuart Newman Video Interview: Evolution Politics

    It’s not surprising that Stuart Newman was one of the "Altenberg 16" scientists who kicked off a reformulation of the theory of evolution, the "extended evolutionary synthesis," this July at Konrad Lorenz Institute . While I’ve been writing about ...

  • Interview With Up the Yangtze Director Yung Chang

    Scoop TV interviews Up The Yangtze's director Yung Chang. Up The Yangtze takes us on the surreal journey of China’s unfaltering drive towards modernity with two teenagers affected in different ways by their nation’s ambition.

  • Video: Law Commission Press Conference

    The Press and Media briefing on the above report was conducted on Thursday 12 June in the offices of the Law Commission, Featherston Street, Wellington, by Sir Geoffrey Palmer and Val Sim.

  • Kiwis create official UN video

    Good Magazine has combined efforts with local film producer Borderless Productions to create a stunning viral video campaign to celebrate and promote UN World Environment Day. The ninety-second short film is the official viral video the UN World Environment ...

  • Alt TV Promo: Let's Be Frank – Phil Goff

    Oliver Driver talks to Phil Goff tonight at 8.30pm. Segment of Video Interview: The interview New Zealand media won't leave alone. Watch the entire thirty minute interview tonight on Alt TV . Does Phil Goff want to be Prime Minister?

  • PM's Post Cabinet Presser - Monday, 19 May 2008

    Video + Audio: The Prime Minister was accompanied by Immigration Minister Clayton Cosgrove and were able to deflect initial media attention away from bad polls for her Government and onto Immigration Service disasters.

  • Kiwi Celebrates Music Month With 31 Bands in a Box

    Video: The Kiwi FM studio is small and perfectly formed (and not unlike a box) - but no stranger to live-to-air performances. (And while we say it’s small we did squeeze in just about all of the Windy City Strugglers - although Rick Bryant had ...

  • Scoop Doco: Fiji On A Roadmap To Somewhere

    Scoop Doco: Pacific Forum governments are determined to force Fiji's military Govt to hold elections by March 31 2009. But will Commodore Bainimarama honour his commitment and comply with the dictate?

  • PM's Post Cabinet Presser - Monday, 28 April 2008

    Scoop Video + Audio: Helen Clark's post Cabinet press conference for Parliamentary press gallery journalists held this afternoon. After the cabinet readout the PM declined to go into detail on measure to alleviate economic strain on New Zealanders, describing ...

  • Squid-Cam: R2.co.nz Streams The Colossal Squid

    Squid-Cam: Welcome to the webstream for the webcast of the Te Papa Colossal Squid event.

  • Video: Post Cabinet Press Conference - 21 April 08

    Video on Demand of NZ Prime Minister Helen Clark's post Cabinet press conference for Parliamentary press gallery journalists held this afternoon. The cabinet readout was followed by Q&A beginning with the latest verbal gaffes from Labour Party President ...

  • Multimedia: PM's Press Conference 14 April 2008

    Today's cabinet readout was brief owing to budget secrecy, this was followed by a Q&A concentrating around the revelations in this morning's NZ Herald regarding discussion at the Labour Party Congress of the distribution of Government PR material by party ...

  • Video: Malcolm Evans Creates A Greenpeace Cartoon

    Photo + Video: Renowned political cartoonist Malcolm Evans puts paintbrush to billboard over climate change in Wellington where the Greenpeace flagship the Rainbow Warrior is currently docked.

  • US Waging A Covert Campaign Against Venezuela

    Text + Video: The man who helped found Bolivarian Revolutionary Movement in Venezuela is on a mission to see blanket of cohesiveness spread across Latin America against United States covert campaign in the region.

  • Video: Rainbow Warrior Climate Change Debate 2/4/2

    Video on Demand of today's Climate Change Debate aboard Greenpeace MV Rainbow Warrior. Chaired by RNZ Morning Report presenter Sean Plunket and featuring Green Party co-leader Jeanette Fitzsimons, Maori Party MP Hone Harawira, National's Nick Smith and Labour's ...

  • Sanitarium Weetbix Kids Triatholon Palmerston Nth

    Video: The Palmerston North Weet-Bix Tryathlon was on Sunday March 26th, and 1004 children from all over Palmerston North went to Esplanade/Lido Aquatic Centre to give it a go.

  • TVNZ7's Kingmaker Minor Leaders Debate In 7 Parts

    Scoop Photos + Video : TVNZ7's Kingmaker Minor Leaders Debate In Seven Parts - 30 March 2008 Staring: Jeanette Fitzsimons, Pita Sharples, Peter Dunne, Rodney Hide, Jim Anderton & An Empty Chair Representing Winston Peters Video & Images ...

  • Video: Greenpeace Lyttleton Blockage + Background

    This video gives some background to the Greenpeace climate change campaign in New Zealand and some footage from the Rainbow Warrior's blockade of the Hellenic Sea coal shipment in Lyttelton on the 25th March.

  • Scoop TV Doco: Iraq – In Search Of Hope

    Scoop TV doco: Iraq – In Search of Hope features Harmeet Sooden who was captured along with three other colleagues and held hostage in Baghdad, and connects with the impact that the United States led invasion and subsequent war has caused.

  • Multimedia: PM's Post Cabinet Presser 17 Mar. 2008

    Today's cabinet readout was followed by Q&A on a wide ranging variety of subjects including protest violence in Tibet and NZ's Free Trade Agreement negotiations with China and Air New Zealand's wage rates to Chinese employees.

  • Multimedia: PM's Post Cabinet Presser 10 Mar. 2008

    ... covering a wide ranging variety of subjects including making NZ more innovative, electricity, Auckland airport, strategic assets in general, railway nationalisation, sustainability and the selection of Derek Fox as a Maori Party candidate.

  • Petra Hancock - CCF Face of Appeal 2008

    Includes Video: Petra Hancock has 376 colourful beads on her necklace. Each individual bead represents a different procedure on her cancer treatment path and together they serve to tell her unique story of courage and bravery.

  • Dunedin Weet-Bix Tryathlon Popular With Kiwi Kids

    Video: The Dunedin Weet-Bix Tryathlon was on Sunday March 2nd, and 971 children from all over Otago went to Mosgiel Memorial Park to give it a go.

  • New Documentary DVD on NZ Homelessness

    A new documentary exploring the issue of homelessness in New Zealand has just been released. ‘Putting Homelessness into Focus’ had its first public screening last night in Tauranga and further presentations are planned for other centres around ...

  • Multimedia: PM's Post Cabinet Presser 25 February

    A lengthy cabinet readout was followed by Q&A on the recent rather poor poll performance the leadership prospects of Phil Goff , this weeks bilaterals with Australian PM Kevin Rudd and the imminent FTA with China.

  • Video Reports From Cluster Bomb Conference Day 1-3

    New Zealand has been hosting an international conference designed to draft a treaty to ban the use of cluster bombs particularly against civilian populations. Here are YouTube videos of day 1, 2, and 3 of the conference.

  • Video Doco: Why Cluster Bombs Should Be Banned

    A week long Cluster Munitions diplomatic conference is concluding with what NGO activists describe as a "strong text". This doco produced by the Cluster Munitions Coalition examines the real impact cluster bombs have on real people.

  • Text+Video: Child Discipline Law Gets Big Tick

    Unreasonable Force Book Launch: NZ has been congratulated by leading international children's advocates for its ground-breaking new law banning physical punishment of children * and heralded as an example for other countries to follow.

  • Hamilton Weet-Bix Tryathlon Hits Record Numbers

    Release Text + Video: The first Weet-Bix Tryathlon event for 2008 kicked off in Hamilton on Sunday morning, at the University of Waikato, and reached a record number of registrations. Over 1500 children between the ages of 8-15 took part in the event.

  • Scoop Video Documentary: Mood Of The Nation

    Scoop Video: With Waitangi Day passed, and Australia's new PM having apologised to Aboriginal people, many Kiwis are considering what is the mood of our own nation. This doco examines this issue and interviews significant people to offer their perspective ...

  • Video: Coalition Reports On Cluster Bomb Scourge

    Video Release by NZ Cluster Bomb Coalition - (Scoop text intro) Wellington is gearing up for an important international conference that intends to bring the world substantially closer to a new treaty on cluster munitions. This conference takes place Feb 18-22.

  • Video: Clark Speech - Realising Youth Potential

    Helen Clark speech "Opportunities for NZ's Future: Realising Youth Potential" "I stand before you early in my ninth year as Prime Minister, proud of what has been achieved on my watch, and looking forward to the challenges which lie ahead. In my ...

  • Video: PM Says 18 To Be Education Leaving Age

    Video: Helen Clark outlined new government policy for all young people to be in school or some other form of education or training until the age of eighteen. Helen Clark also announced that the Youth Apprenticeship programme being piloted this year will ...

  • Video: John Key State of the Nation speech

    Video: John Key - "This year, signs are emerging that the winds of global growth have not only stopped but are turning into a head wind. New Zealand cannot and will not be immune from the impacts of a slowing global economy."

  • Video: Nats Wooing Indians after 100 years neglect

    Video: The Indian community numbering over 100,000 has caught National party attention with an eye on the forthcoming general elections. Its leader John Key expressed a desire to have a couple of Indians in his caucus to reflect the changing landscape ...

  • Video: Clark Comments on Prebbles' Resignation

    Scoop TV News- Poltics: Prime Minister Helen Clark said State Services Commission boss Mark Prebble indicated to her in 2006 that he would likely resign before his contract-term concluded. Here PM Clark responds to reporters questions re the resignation

  • Sir Geoffrey Palmer on Int. Whaling Commission

    Video: At the Press Conference held at the Law Commission this morning on the Law Commission’s report “Tribunals in New Zealand” I was asked questions concerning the decision of the Federal Court of Australia yesterday in Sydney: Humane Society ...

  • Scoop Video: SSC Claire Curran Inquiry Presser

    Scoop Audio + Photos + Video : Press Conferences To Accompany Release Of Hugh Rennie QC Inquiry Report Into The Claire Curran Employmennt Affair - Wednesday, 14 November 2007 Scoop Team Coverage

  • Scoop TV Doco: First We Take Manhattan

    Scoop TV- A Documentary by Andreas von Warburg and Erika Suban: First We Take Manhattan – Can a Woman Lead The UN? - This documentary explores the barriers to leadership inequality at the UN and what is needed to balance this. Introduced by Selwyn Manning.


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